Stimulate the Scalp and Help Regrow Hair from the Roots Out
The Revv is a low-level laser comb that uses 12 medical grade lasers to stimulate hair follicles and boost energy to combat baldness and thinning hair. This product gives confidence to women & men alike by restoring their hair to its natural, fuller glory. The Revv Laser Comb is clinically proven by medical professionals on hair loss patients. Users can expect to see visible improvement as early as 90 days and full results in 6 months.
The Revv is painless and safe to use in the comfort of your own home.

Introducing the Revv: A New Device to Combat Hair Loss
Discover a revolutionary new anti-aging device from Elevare: the Revv. In this video, you’ll learn how laser light can help to slow hair loss and even encourage new hair growth.
Key Benefits
The human body is able to use light rays for various health benefits. Laser therapy, which has no side effects or allergens, is clinically proven effective by medical professionals on hair loss patients.

How it Works
The Revv uses laser therapy, which has been shown to slow, stop and possibly reverse hair loss by improving the health of existing hair. Laser therapy has also has been shown to strengthen existing hair. Scientific studies on cell cultures have found that laser light energy penetrates soft tissue and increases the action of a molecule called adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP carries energy from one reaction site to another in all living cells. You can see this process at work in plants, which convert light into chemical energy via photosynthesis to improve and speed up growth. The Revv works in the same way, by improving and speeding up hair growth and revitalizing, thickening and strengthening your existing hair.

Customer Results
Laser light therapy is a non-invasive, gentle treatment that leaves surrounding tissues unharmed.
Here are photos showing the effect that the Revv has had for our customers.